
First-Time DUI Offenders Need To Know Facts

 Posted on December 02, 2014 in Criminal Defense

blood alchol content, BAC, Illinois criminal defense lawyer, Illinois DUI attorneyIf this is your first time being accused of a DUI, you need to know your rights and you also need to take these charges seriously. Being convicted of DUI can lead to consequences, so your first step should be to hire a competent Illinois DUI attorney to handle your case. In Illinois, driving under the influence refers to a blood alcohol concentration of .08 or more, but it also refers to being impaired while under the influence of medication or any other illegal substance. If there’s evidence outside your .05-.08 BAC that you were otherwise impaired, you can also be convicted for driving under the influence.

If you are stopped at a sobriety checkpoint or pulled over and the officer has probable cause to suspect that you may be driving under the influence, you should be asked to submit to a chemical test. If you refuse to submit to the test or if you fail it, there are penalties, such as statutory summary suspension, that you may face. A first conviction for DUI will result in the revoking of your driving privileges for 1 year (and 2 years if you are under the age of 21) and the suspension of your vehicle registration.

When other factors are involved in your DUI arrest, like transporting a child under the age of 16 or being caught with a BAC of .16 or more, you will have a mandatory minimum fine and a community service requirement to fulfill. Cases that involve bodily injury, especially where a child is concerned, are taken very seriously by judges in Illinois. Don’t underestimate the impact that a DUI conviction might have on your future. Hiring an experienced attorney is one of the most important steps that you can take. If you have been charged with a DUI, contact an experienced Chicago criminal defense attorney today.

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