Contact Us
Law Offices of Hal M. Garfinkel LLC, Chicago Criminal Defense Attorney
134 N LaSalle St, Suite 860
Chicago, IL 60602
Phone: 312-629-0669
Fax: 312-580-1839
Aggressive, Effective, Accessible, Affordable
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All of these qualities and abilities apply to the experienced criminal defense representation offered to Chicago and Illinois clients throughout the year at the law offices of veteran attorney Hal M. Garfinkel.
With nearly 20 years of experience, you have some idea of what you can expect from this well-known defense lawyer, and outstanding former prosecutor. Mr. Garfinkel has cultivated a reputation for handling high-profile criminal cases in recent years. He can also get results for you, whether the charges against you are state or federal, DUI or weapons violation.
Free initial consultations are available, as are off-site, weekend or evening appointments. Mr. Garfinkel prides himself on being available "24/7" for jail and police station visits, as well as bond and bail hearings. Contact him today.
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