
Internet Crime Center May Be Targeting Wrong Individuals

 Posted on March 20, 2017 in Computer Crime

Illinois federal crimes attorney, Illinois internet crimes attorney, Illinois defense lawyerInternet crime is beyond a doubt troublesome for not only the ordinary individual but also impacts national security. While the majority of citizens utilize the world wide web to complete daily activities, such as shopping, applying for jobs, listening to music or ordering tickets to a show, there is a portion of the population using the information for darker, or even criminal purposes. The Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) created the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) to offer a safe avenue for the public to report internet crimes. However, when the public can initiate an investigation into other individuals, problems may occur.

What happens with the information?

The Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) has grown from the original entity of the Internet Fraud Center. The name changed due to a number of allegations flooding in, ranging anywhere between hacking to matters involving intellectual property rights. Just about anyone can make a complaint against someone else within the United States, regardless of their citizenship status. No evidentiary support is necessary at the time of the report, either, which means anyone with a personal vendetta can stir up trouble. After initiating a complaint, stopping the process is not an option, even if the initiator shows remorse and admits it is false. The IC3 analyzes the information provided then transfers it to the appropriate department who then proceed with the investigation. Agencies responsible for the case include:

  • Federal,
  • State,
  • Local, and
  • International.

Are they allowed to investigate without your knowledge?

Occurrences on the internet do not remain a secret. With the advancement of technology, nothing remains anonymous. Search engines, federal investigators, and local police all have the capabilities to discover what is going on in your spare time on your computer or another web-linked device. Police have been found using illegal methods to obtain information. In many circumstances, during an investigation, a warrant or a subpoena must be issued by a judge to get information and most found without the use of those are not able to be used.

Serious Allegations

Many of the accusations included under the umbrella of internet crimes result in harsh and lasting penalties if convicted. Many of these are considered to be federal offenses, which often hold harsher punishments. It is imperative that you seek legal counsel as soon as possible to protect your future. The right attorney is aggressive for you in the courtroom and has ties throughout the legal community to assist in delicate matters. If you are interested in discussing the legalities of your case with a proven Chicago, IL internet crime defense attorney, contact the Law Offices of Hal M. Garfinkel LLC, Chicago Criminal Defense Attorney today by calling 312-629-0669 to schedule your free and confidential initial consultation.

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