Chicago Drug Crime Attorney

Illinois Drug Crime Defense Lawyer
A network television public service announcement of yesteryear memorably warned, "When you're busted for drugs 'over there,' you're in for the hassle of your life."
That PSA was referring to overseas drug busts. Fast-forward several decades and the same could be said for our own country, especially in the state of Illinois. A conviction on state drug charges can ruin a life, livelihood, family and reputation. Fragile and threatening legal charges such as these call for the most attentive, aggressive and accessible criminal defense available in Chicago and Cook County.
These professional abilities, personal qualities and track record of success can be found at the law offices of Hal M. Garfinkel. He's a former prosecutor who has made a local and statewide name for himself by frustrating the latest generation of prosecutors at every turn, in case after case, on behalf of people just like you.
Whether the offense you are charged with involves possession, distribution or drug trafficking, you can put Mr. Garfinkel's many years of experience in drug crime defense to work to remedy your situation. Contact him today by phone, fax or e-mail to arrange a free initial consultation.
Aggressive, Accessible, Affordable State Drug Crime Defense
Mr. Garfinkel's wide range of legal services on the state drug charge front includes responses to situations such as:
- Investigations
- Preliminary hearings
- Probation violations
- Search warrants
Drug charges he has successfully handled on behalf of Chicago and Illinois clients have been connected to substances such as:
- Powder cocaine
- Crack cocaine
- Marijuana
- Methamphetamine (meth)
- Heroin
- Ecstasy
- Cannabis
- Prescription drugs
Attorney Garfinkel has been equally adept at advocating for people in federal narcotics trials and negotiations. Whatever the gravity of the charge, no matter the drug or substance mentioned, Mr. Garfinkel always does his utmost to provide a quality drug crime defense. He is well-known for the same solid performances in criminal appeals as well. And he is either alongside you or within easy reach, every step of the way.
Mr. Garfinkel is ready to talk when you are. Be in touch with his Chicago law offices today.
In many cases, criminal charges for drug possession or delivery are based on evidence recovered during an arrest. One of the most common ways a defendant can challenge criminal charges is to show that this evidence was obtained through illegal search and seizure, such as searching a person’s car or home without obtaining a search warrant. A defendant may also be able to show that drugs belonged to someone else, were planted by police officers, or were being used legally.
Forfeiture occurs when money or property is seized by law enforcement, and this often happens in cases involving alleged drug crimes. Criminal forfeiture may occur as part of a sentence after a person has been convicted. Civil forfeiture may occur whenever law enforcement officials believe that money or property has been used to commit a crime or obtained through criminal activity. A criminal defense attorney can help defend against civil forfeiture and recover property that was wrongfully seized.
Even if you do not believe that you can win your case, you should not simply plead guilty and hope that the prosecutor or judge will be lenient when imposing a sentence. A criminal defense attorney can help you negotiate a plea deal in which charges or penalties may be reduced, or they can help you determine whether you may be eligible for diversion programs, such as probation for first-time drug offenders.
Parole and probation are both alternatives to time in prison. Probation usually allows a person to avoid a prison sentence as long as they comply with certain requirements, such as participating in drug treatment, maintaining employment, and refraining from criminal activity. Parole may be granted after a person has served some of their prison sentence, and it may allow them to be released early and begin reintegrating into the community.
In some cases, a prosecutor may bring a drug case before a grand jury to determine whether the defendant can be indicted, or formally charged with a crime. The prosecutor will present evidence or call witnesses to testify, and the grand jury may also issue subpoenas to obtain evidence or have witnesses provide testimony. The members of the grand jury will vote to decide whether there is enough evidence to show that a trial should take place.
Federal and state governments group illegal drugs or controlled substances into several categories, known as “schedules.” Schedule I drugs, such as heroin, cocaine, and LSD, are considered the most addictive and harmful substances that do not have accepted medical uses, and the other schedules have less potential for abuse or dependence. The federal government considers marijuana to be a Schedule I drug, but this substance has been legalized for recreational and/or medical use in several states, including Illinois.
Contact Hal M. Garfinkel Today
The state drug offenses you have been charged with call for the assistance of the most aggressive and hardworking criminal defense attorney you can find in Chicago or Illinois. Contact Mr. Garfinkel's law offices as soon as possible by phone, fax or e-mail to arrange your free initial consultation.
Do you need to speak with Mr. Garfinkel at a police station or during a stay in jail? Or perhaps you need his services for a bail or bond hearing? These are all services that he provides 24/7 to his clients. He wants to hear the details of your case.